With COVID restrictions loosening, old traditions and events seem to be making a comeback. The Snow Ball, a high school dance formed in January of 2020 by student council, is just one example of such. The dance was halted due to a global pandemic and is now back on track, the dance will be held in the elementary gym on January 14 at 7 p.m.
Student council is in charge of the dance, decorations, food, and more, forming committees for each task: decorations, food, advertisement, and crowning. Students are in charge of their respective groups and work together to achieve efficiency and formality.
The decorations committee is in charge of the decor of the gym, tables, themed table cloth, hanging snowflakes, and every other decoration that will make an appearance at the dance.
One student in charge of decorations is freshman Emma Lloyd, who gives insight to the decorations. Emma said there was a budget for the decorations, and that there will be plenty of led lights and winter decorations.
¨The dance will be lit up with winter decor,¨ she said.
Brooklyn Davidson, a junior student council member in charge of advertising and marketing, describes her responsibilities regarding the dance.
“We mainly work on posters and getting the word out about the dance, keeping the students informed,¨ she said.
Food will also be served at the dance, this is handled by the food committee, in which the food preparation is handled, as well as how much food is served.
The dance will have a king and queen crowning, the student council committee in charge of this called the Crowing Committee. Cecile Tate, a senior in charge of the committee describes the crowning, where the two winning students, female and male will receive a silver crown and be proclaimed King and Queen, the runner ups will be crowned princess and prince, the winners and runner ups will be decided through a box drawing, where the bought tickets will be placed in.
The dance will be supervised by Michelle Medlock and Lori Hazelip, the co-sponsors of the student council. Their main job is to aid the student leaders in events such as this.