Sponsor: Michelle Medlock and Jeanne Page
Club Description:
Salem High School SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) is the longest continuous SADD chapter in the world! We started in 1984 and we have been a strong voice at the school and in the community to try to encourage young adults to make better decisions. Some of the many campaigns we sponsor are Red Ribbon Week an anti-drug campaign; Kick Butts and the Great American Smoke-Out; Rock the Belt to promote safe driving practices; anti-drinking and anti-texting while driving events; trunk or Treat at the YMCA; track concessions; floats in the parades and that’s just a few! We work with the Washington County Substance Abuse Council and we have helped the Washington County Tobacco Coalition with several events. We have also worked with SAHMSA to develop a mock trial in the past. SADD continues to reach out to other groups and organizations to try to promote safe habits among students and adults in Washington County.
We focus on education and raising awareness of a variety things including mental health awareness, drug/alcohol issues, and traffic/driving safety. We meet about once a month in the mornings in Mrs. Medlock's classroom and plan activities either through the school or with the community in raising awareness.