French Club

Sponsor: Mrs. Joanna Schmidt
Club Description:
Multiple field trips for various cultural experiences – a French restaurant, art museums to see French (and other European) art, U of L film festival to see a French movie. Community Service – we participate in the Student Council's canned food drive twice a year. For those students in French club who commit to helping with this volunteer endeavor – we have a "Café Fromage" day during SRT – we order French bread, brie cheese, French pastries (from Panera J), and Orangina to drink. We have in-house movie nights – we use French club funds to invest in French film DVDs for these nights. French club members get recipes to make different foods for their classes throughout the year: Crêpes, Kings cake, Bûche de Noël. Last year, we had a joint activity with the Spanish club --- we had a soccer game: French club vs. Spanish club. We have also done college visits – where we go to IUB and students have the opportunity to sit in on a college level French class in action. And then we always a "fun trip" in March – in the past, we have gone ice skating, roller skating, bowling, laser tagging, sky zone jumping, etc.