Dual Credit Course Offerings for 2023-24
Food Science
Adv. Animal Science
Intro to Agriculture
Agri Business/Farm Management
Business Department
Business Law and Ethics
Personal Finance
Principles of Marketing
Principles of Business Management
Principles of Teaching
English Department
English Composition
Creative Writing
Technical Communication
Plant Floor & CNC/Workplace & Safety
Key Principles of Advanced Manufacturing/Tech in Adv Manufacturing
Math Department
Finite Math
College Algebra
Trigonometry with Analytic Geometry
Calculus I
Science Department
Anatomy and Physiology
Anatomy and Physiology I and II
College Bio I and II Diversity of Life
Introduction to Chemistry
Introduction to Physics
Social Studies Department
Intro to American Government and Politics
Intro to Psychology
Economic Fundamentals
World Language Department
French 1, 2, 3, 4
Spanish 3,