Polar Plunge participants

If jumping into a cold, icy lake has been on your bucket list, here’s your opportunity to check it off! The annual Polar Plunge fundraiser for Special Olympics is quickly approaching! This year’s event will be held Saturday, Feb. 17, at Deam Lake in Borden.

Lions Unified Sponsor Angela Phipps said the Special Olympics holds a special place in her heart.  

¨Two of my favorite groups of people are students at Salem High School and the Special Olympics athletes, so I love to see them work together,” said Phipps. “It helps build relationships and inclusion.¨

Phipps said Lions Unified was created to promote inclusion and acceptance for all people at Salem High School. Since 2016, the club has participated in the Special Olympics Polar Plunge fundraiser to help raise money for the organization. The school’s team is called the Arctic Lions. In eight years, the school has raised approximately $20,000 in total for Special Olympics. Last year, the team raised $3,500.

Phipps said everyone is welcome to join the Arctic Lions. It is open to anyone, not just Lions Unified members. She said SHS alumni often come back and participate because they have so much fun and it’s for such a good cause. 

The theme this year is Dr. Seuss, so the people participating in the plunge will dress up as Dr. Seuss characters. Phipps and English teacher Nicole Purlee plan to go as Thing One and Thing Two.

¨We do this to help fund Special Olympics,” she said. “A portion goes to the state and a portion goes back to Washington County Special Olympics.”

If you would like to join the Arctic Lions, or just want to make a monetary donation,, you can talk to Phipps or go to the Special Olympics website. Phipps can be reached at  aphipps@salemschools.us. The website to register and make online donations is https://soindiana.org.