Student eachere

Written by Harper Timberlake and Jaylyn Hamilton

Lisa Eager, who wishes to become a social studies teacher, is on a mission for teaching experience. As a student teacher, she has been given the opportunity to take over social studies classes at Salem High School under the guidance of John Heavin. This opportunity at the high school has been a great way for her to gain the experience she needs to fulfill her future wishes. 

Eager is a senior at IUS and she graduates in April. Her technical major is Secondary Education and Historical Perspectives. The teaching experience is a requirement through college and part of her journey to becoming a teacher.  

Eager loves that the school is so local and somewhat familiar to her. Jessica Morgan and Megan Elgin, who are both teachers at Salem Community Schools, are former teachers of Eagers, who graduated from Mitchell High School. She said they both inspired her to become a teacher. 

Eager has taught social studies to various grades in different schools in the last four years. This is her first time, however, teaching two different grade levels at the same time. 

 “It has been very neat to be working with two different grades,” Eager said, about her experience so far at SHS. Heavin teaches econ and government to seniors, as well as U.S. history, which is mostly underclassmen.

This has been a fun experience for both Eager and Heavin. Eager said she transitioned into the rhythm of teaching with Heavin’s help. Heavin has aided Eager in overcoming the stress and confusion of becoming a student teacher. She said he has also helped her get to know the students, systems and procedures of his classes.

“We really eased into me taking over US history and Government, so it's nice to see his dynamic in the classroom,” said Eager. 

This experience opens the door for many other teaching opportunities like economics, government, world languages, geography and more. 

Eager loves teaching the students and answering their questions. Although, she still faces minor challenges with the experience; such as the students suffering from senioritis. Overall, it has been a great learning experience working with the students.  

Even though Heavin can do as he wishes for his classes, Eager can still write lesson plans, grade papers and teach like a full time teacher. She is required to be in the school from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. just like contracted teachers. 

Heavin has also had experiences working with other student teachers previously. He has helped potential teachers learn how to work through the confusion and challenges of teaching, such as learning the different systems, procedures and connecting with the students. 

“We enjoy working with Lisa and wish her the best as she looks for her first teaching job,” said Heavin.